
Repetitive Genomics

Python, R

Capstone bioinformatics genomics project investigating the importance of repetative genome sequences focusing specifically on transposable elements. This project aims to optimize the currently available repeat sequence annotation tools in order to increase the percent of the genome successfully annotated using beetles as a model organism. Data wrangling and visualization was done using R and Python.


Family Map

SQL, Java, XML

An android application that was developed from start to finish in 6 weeks. This app leverages a SQL database and Java backend to store and access user data including credentials and significant life events for members of the user's family. Family event locations are shown on a Google Map fragment and are connected to other life events to allow the user to easily visualize life stories.


Skull King Score Card

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB

Hosted a web server on AWS that serves as a score card for a popular card game. Leveraged Javascript frameworks and environments such as React.js and Node.js to implement user-user chat ability, secure login, as well as streamline web page UI. This application ensures game scoring calculations are accurate and efficient.


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